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发布时间:2022-08-07 07:09:01 查看人数:3


第1篇 英文生日邀请函范文推荐



尊敬的__ __

dear___ ___


thanks for you and your company supports as always. we are going to invite you to china for a business trip. we are looking forward your coming. 时间time: 地点location: beijing china

联系人contact person:





october 9, 200xx

尊敬的 :

本人欣喜地通知 阁下 ,xxxx大酒店已于20xxx年10月6日开始试业,本人诚意邀请 阁下 于即日起至20xxx年10月31日期间莅临本酒店参观指导。

本人并诚邀 阁下 于莅临当天在本酒店之xxx餐厅享用国际美食自助晚餐,率先体验全城至in至豪的hip hop潮流餐厅之饮食潮流。

热忱期待 阁下光临!


确认回复:请与本酒店公关销售部 xx 小姐联系,电话:8888 8888转8888。

letter of invitation

dear ,

we take pleasure in informing you that xxxxxxx hotel has commenced business on october 6, 20xxx, and welcome you to visit us during our “open house” days from october 9 to 31, 20xxx, an opportunity for you to examine the professional finishing and efficiency of a present day business hotel.

i would be most honored if you can be my guest at dinner at the xxxxx café on the day of your visit, and experience our international cuisine and the superb dinning ambience of modern day guangzhou.

looking forward to your presence,

yours truly,

general manager

r.s.v.p.: please contact ms. xxxxxx, public relations at 8888 88888 ext. 88889.


may 2, xxxx

dear lucy,

next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old!

my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

we'll be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours,


第2篇 英文生日邀请函范文


may 2, xxxx

dear lucy,

next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old!

my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

we'll be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours,



dear my classmates,

do you know when is my birthday? the day is in winter vacation and it’s

on february 1st. so do you come to my birthday party? of course i wish

everyone can come to my party. if you come you can get too many free things because you are my guests.and you also should give me some gifts.

then if you make sure to come to my party you should prepare the following things:

1) think of games to play.

2) prepare 200 yuan and you phone.

3) tell me you phone number.

4) remember to meet me in wanda plaza at 9:00.

see you then.



dear jane,

i would like to invite you to take part in our dinner party for celebrating my mother's birthday about her 60 years old in the evening friday, november22,20xx, at my home. you have been my best partner all the time. as you know, my mother treats you as her one of children, recently, who misses you extremely. she also excepts your appearing in the night. what's more, the most of the friends invited are your good friends, if you come, i promise that you would't be boring. it starts at 7 o'clock.

at the first, there will be a small concert when you are gong to enjoy a band who plays the classical instrument, who comes from the royal band. at the second, dinner is inaugurated at 8 o'clock, friends can have delicious food, and drink, at the same time, chat during the. finally, i will take some photographs of all friends for souvenir together.

we do look forward to your coming.

yous, wang qin

第3篇 英文生日邀请函格式



dear sir/madam:

thank you for your letter of [date]. im glad that you are also going to [place] next month. it would be a great pleasure to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair].

our company is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date] and i would be very pleased if you could attend.

i look forward to hearing from you soon.

yours sincerely,




dear sir/madam:

im delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in [city] on [date].

as we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic... from [time] to [time]. there will be an additional minutes for questions.

would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. if you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

thank you again for agreeing to speak. i look forward to hearing from you.

sincerely yours,



dear sir/madam:

[organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic].

as you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote . many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in .

enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. ill call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. i can assure you that well make everything convenient to the speaker.

sincerely yours,



生日是值得庆祝的一天,你知道英文生日邀请函是怎样写吗?下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的英文生日邀请函。望大家采纳。英文生日邀请函范文篇一invitation尊敬的__ __dear___…
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    生日是值得庆祝的一天,你知道英文生日邀请函是怎样写吗?下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的英文生日邀请函。望大家采纳。英文生日邀请函范文篇一invitation尊敬的__ ...[更多]

